Monday, April 23, 2012

I have a dream...

I have a dream...

A dream of of kindness filling up the world.  A dream where greed disappears.  A dream where selfishness is exchanged for all good for mankind.  A dream where ugliness is destroyed and all things beautiful flourish.  A dream of harmony.  A dream of peace and love. 
Why is this world so difficult to create?  In the the headlines today I read about how a nation wants to destroy it's neighbor.  I wanted to vomit.
I can't understand all of this smashing that is going on.  Crashing in all around the universe.  This is why I look forward to meteor showers.  My escape from the world.
If it was this simple, would our lives be riddled with boredom and simplicity?  Instead we are challenged by the black snake that gives us no warning when it wants to rear its ugly head.  Each day we have to be mindful of how our actions affect each other.  It is a simple concept but so many of us, simply forget.  We are rushing out the door to get our kids to school before the tardy bell or to work, before the boss gets in.
Just STOP.  Step back.  Think about it.  How can the scenerio be changed?  Especially if your kids are watching you.
Every single moment we are teaching our kids how to interact with their world.  What kind of adult kid do you want sitting at your Thanksgiving table?  One that has been launched into the world with a caring heart, a thankful attitude or one of greediness and full of entitlement?
My challenge to you is when you wake up, be thankful for the gift of today and embrace your very being, step out into the world fully conscious of every word or action and how it affects others.  You might be delighted how the world reacts and with an element of surprise, minus the gift bow, you will relish the moments when the gifts of your kindness, are delivered back to you.

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